Windows CLI MCP Server

MCP server for secure command-line interactions on Windows systems, enabling controlled access to PowerShell, CMD, Git Bash shells, and remote systems via SSH. It allows MCP clients (like Claude Desktop) to perform operations on your system, similar to Open Interpreter.

⚠️ WARNING: This MCP server provides direct access to your system's command line interface and remote systems via SSH. When enabled, it grants access to your files, environment variables, command execution capabilities, and remote server management.


  • Review and restrict allowed paths and SSH connections
  • Enable directory restrictions
  • Configure command blocks
  • Consider security implications

See Configuration for more details.


  • Multi-Shell Support: Execute commands in PowerShell, Command Prompt (CMD), and Git Bash
  • SSH Support: Execute commands on remote systems via SSH
  • Security Controls:
    • Command and SSH command blocking (full paths, case variations)
    • Working directory validation
    • Maximum command length limits
    • Command logging and history tracking
    • Smart argument validation
  • Configurable:
    • Custom security rules
    • Shell-specific settings
    • SSH connection profiles
    • Path restrictions
    • Blocked command lists

See the API section for more details on the tools the server provides to MCP clients.

Note: The server will only allow operations within configured directories, with allowed commands, and on configured SSH connections.

Usage with Claude Desktop

Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json:

  "mcpServers": {
    "windows-cli": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": ["-y", "@simonb97/server-win-cli"]

For use with a specific config file, add the --config flag:

  "mcpServers": {
    "windows-cli": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [


The server uses a JSON configuration file to customize its behavior. You can specify settings for security controls, shell configurations, and SSH connections.

  1. To create a default config file, either:

a) copy config.json.example to config.json, or

b) run:

npx @simonb97/server-win-cli --init-config ./config.json
  1. Then set the --config flag to point to your config file as described in the Usage with Claude Desktop section.

Configuration Locations

The server looks for configuration in the following locations (in order):

  1. Path specified by --config flag
  2. ./config.json in current directory
  3. ~/.win-cli-mcp/config.json in user's home directory

If no configuration file is found, the server will use a default (restricted) configuration:

Default Configuration

Note: The default configuration is designed to be restrictive and secure. Find more details on each setting in the Configuration Settings section.

  "security": {
    "maxCommandLength": 2000,
    "blockedCommands": [
    "blockedArguments": [
    "allowedPaths": ["User's home directory", "Current working directory"],
    "restrictWorkingDirectory": true,
    "logCommands": true,
    "maxHistorySize": 1000,
    "commandTimeout": 30,
    "enableInjectionProtection": true
  "shells": {
    "powershell": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": "powershell.exe",
      "args": ["-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-Command"]
    "cmd": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": "cmd.exe",
      "args": ["/c"]
    "gitbash": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
      "args": ["-c"]
  "ssh": {
    "enabled": false,
    "defaultTimeout": 30,
    "maxConcurrentSessions": 5,
    "keepaliveInterval": 10000,
    "readyTimeout": 20000,
    "connections": {}

Configuration Settings

The configuration file is divided into three main sections: security, shells, and ssh.

Security Settings

  "security": {
    // Maximum allowed length for any command
    "maxCommandLength": 1000,

    // Commands to block - blocks both direct use and full paths
    // Example: "rm" blocks both "rm" and "C:\\Windows\\System32\\rm.exe"
    // Case-insensitive: "del" blocks "DEL.EXE", "del.cmd", etc.
    "blockedCommands": [
      "rm", // Delete files
      "del", // Delete files
      "rmdir", // Delete directories
      "format", // Format disks
      "shutdown", // Shutdown system
      "restart", // Restart system
      "reg", // Registry editor
      "regedit", // Registry editor
      "net", // Network commands
      "netsh", // Network commands
      "takeown", // Take ownership of files
      "icacls" // Change file permissions

    // Arguments that will be blocked when used with any command
    // Note: Checks each argument independently - "cd warm_dir" won't be blocked just because "rm" is in blockedCommands
    "blockedArguments": [
      "--exec", // Execution flags
      "-e", // Short execution flags
      "/c", // Command execution in some shells
      "-enc", // PowerShell encoded commands
      "-encodedcommand", // PowerShell encoded commands
      "-command", // Direct PowerShell command execution
      "--interactive", // Interactive mode which might bypass restrictions
      "-i", // Short form of interactive
      "--login", // Login shells might have different permissions
      "--system" // System level operations

    // List of directories where commands can be executed
    "allowedPaths": ["C:\\Users\\YourUsername", "C:\\Projects"],

    // If true, commands can only run in allowedPaths
    "restrictWorkingDirectory": true,

    // If true, saves command history
    "logCommands": true,

    // Maximum number of commands to keep in history
    "maxHistorySize": 1000,

    // Timeout for command execution in seconds (default: 30)
    "commandTimeout": 30,

    // Enable or disable protection against command injection (covers ;, &, |, \`)
    "enableInjectionProtection": true

Shell Configuration

  "shells": {
    "powershell": {
      // Enable/disable this shell
      "enabled": true,
      // Path to shell executable
      "command": "powershell.exe",
      // Default arguments for the shell
      "args": ["-NoProfile", "-NonInteractive", "-Command"]
    "cmd": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": "cmd.exe",
      "args": ["/c"]
    "gitbash": {
      "enabled": true,
      "command": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe",
      "args": ["-c"]

SSH Configuration

  "ssh": {
    // Enable/disable SSH functionality
    "enabled": false,

    // Default timeout for SSH commands in seconds
    "defaultTimeout": 30,

    // Maximum number of concurrent SSH sessions
    "maxConcurrentSessions": 5,

    // Interval for sending keepalive packets (in milliseconds)
    "keepaliveInterval": 10000,

    // Timeout for establishing SSH connections (in milliseconds)
    "readyTimeout": 20000,

    // SSH connection profiles
    "connections": {
      // NOTE: these examples are not set in the default config!
      // Example: Local Raspberry Pi
      "raspberry-pi": {
        "host": "raspberrypi.local", // Hostname or IP address
        "port": 22, // SSH port
        "username": "pi", // SSH username
        "password": "raspberry", // Password authentication (if not using key)
        "keepaliveInterval": 10000, // Connection-specific keepalive
        "readyTimeout": 20000 // Connection-specific timeout
      // Example: Remote server with key authentication
      "dev-server": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 22,
        "username": "admin",
        "privateKeyPath": "C:\\Users\\YourUsername\\.ssh\\id_rsa", // Path to private key
        "keepaliveInterval": 10000,
        "readyTimeout": 20000



  • execute_command

    • Execute a command in the specified shell
    • Inputs:
      • shell (string): Shell to use ("powershell", "cmd", or "gitbash")
      • command (string): Command to execute
      • workingDir (optional string): Working directory
    • Returns command output as text, or error message if execution fails
  • get_command_history

    • Get the history of executed commands
    • Input: limit (optional number)
    • Returns timestamped command history with outputs
  • ssh_execute

    • Execute a command on a remote system via SSH
    • Inputs:
      • connectionId (string): ID of the SSH connection to use
      • command (string): Command to execute
    • Returns command output as text, or error message if execution fails
  • ssh_disconnect

    • Disconnect from an SSH server
    • Input:
      • connectionId (string): ID of the SSH connection to disconnect
    • Returns confirmation message

Security Considerations

  • Commands are blocked based on executable names and full paths
  • Case-insensitive blocking: "DEL.EXE", "del.cmd", etc.
  • Smart path parsing prevents bypassing blocks with alternate paths
  • Command contents are analyzed to avoid false positives (e.g., "warm_dir" is allowed even if "rm" is blocked)
  • Potentially dangerous command arguments are blocked
  • Command injection protection can be enabled or disabled
  • Working directories are validated against allowed paths
  • Command length is limited by default
  • Shell processes are properly terminated
  • All inputs are validated before execution
  • Environment variables and personal files may be accessible within allowed paths
  • Consider limiting access to sensitive directories and environment information


Common issues and solutions:

  • Commands blocked unexpectedly: Check for variations in paths/extensions
  • False positives: Command content is analyzed smartly to avoid blocking legitimate commands
  • Shell configuration: Ensure correct executable paths and arguments
  • Directory access: Verify allowed paths and permissions

For detailed error messages, check:

  • Console output
  • Command history
  • Specific error details provided in rejections


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Windows CLI

Model Context Protocol server for secure command-line interactions on Windows systems

Package Information

12 stars
Updated 12/10/2024
Created 12/4/2024
